
Digital Logic Design Labs (EEE-4308)



This paper shall describe the development process of a project which will devise a prototype called "ISEIS" also known as IOT Smart Egg Incubation System. It is a device which simulates an incubator by keeping eggs warm with the appropriate humidity using Arduino platform for the reason to hatch the eggs.

The egg hatching incubator machine is equipped with DHT22 (Temperature and humidity) sensor, Heating elements, humidifier, fans that able to automatically monitor and 2 regulate the inside environment of the incubator is in the ideal condition to incubate eggs. The entire system will be controlled using NODEMCU (Arduino control system) as the brain of the system. The system has a LCD display and user buttons for user customization on site and an andriod application for the wireless monitoring and control via a remote server (Google Firebase).

Bread Board

Incubator is a device used in various biological process and egg hatching as well. Using incubator the process of incubation can be speed up and the egg can be incubates in large quantity of scale. There are many development of egg incubator today with a controlled temperature, but the controls are usually not fully automated control not all incubators will produce a good incubation process, contributing to potential loss of hatching eggs. Thus, I have come out with a design of smart egg incubator using Arduino. Smart Incubator is designed to reduce abnormal chicks and to reduce the risk of damage eggs caused by uncertain environment. This system will take 18 to 22 days to hatch eggs by controlling the Incubation chamber. The system is fully automated system and easy to handle. The system will control the temperature and the humidity which meet the objective of this project. The "ISEIS" involves the integration between hardware and software elements. It also features a monitoring system that allows the owner to control the incubator’s setting remotely even from a smart phone; over the internet. The monitoring system is developed using MIT App Inventor which is very popular tool for android app developments. As for the hardware part, NodeMCU (An Arduino development proto board) will act as the microcomputer that can be programmed based on a specific function.

ISEIS will allow the fetuses inside the eggs to grow and hatch without the mother (hens) being present. This project is developed for the specific reason which is to assist the small, medium and large-scale farmers from the technological perspective, so that their productivity can be increased significantly.

Stepper Motor
Fig: Standard Incubator Components

ISEIS Features :

  • IOT Based
  • Compatible to different capacity Incubators
  • Two level Heating to ensure quiuck settloing of temperature
  • Humidifier with efficient controlling.
  • Servo motor to turn eggs at a predefined interval.
  • Limit switches to maintain servo positioning
  • LCD display to observe machine conditions and settings
  • Push buttons for user options on Instrument.

Materials and Methods

Fig: ISEIS Components

Circuit Diagram :

Fig: ISEIS Circuit Diagram

Circuit Discussion :

Assembly Program : stepper_8051.asm

Code Discussion:

The program first clears P1.0 for activating phase 1 (A1) of the stepper motor. This condition is maintained for 65mS and then P1.0 is set for deactivating phase 1 of the motor. Then the same process is repeated for the port pins P1.1 to P1.3 and the entire cycle is repeated over and over to make the motor rotate in the clockwise direction. Timer 0 of the microcontroller is configured in Mode1 for producing the 65mS delay. 65mS is the width of each control pulse.


    Lab Task :

  • Construct a circuit for a CA type SSD using proteus simulator and write a program for a loop coupnter from 0 to 9 and then A, b,C, d, E, F

    Home Task :

  • Construct a circuit for two didgit seven segment counter (which will count 0 to 99 decimal) in proteus having three switches: one for up count, one for down count and last one for reseting the counter.